how to make watermelon pie

Watermelon Pie recipe

An easy sweet summer watermelon pie! Ingredients: 2 pounds watermelon (without the peel) 2 cups white flour 3/4 cup sugar 3,5 ounces honey 1/2 cup olive oil Sesame seeds Preparation: Remove the watermelon seeds completely and cut it in very small pieces. Squeeze it well in a strainer (don’t through away the liquid because you […]

cheese with chili pepper

Feta cheese and hot peppers recipe: “Tirokafteri”

Tirokafteri, which means “hot”, spicy cheese, is the Greek name of this delicacy. Ingredients: 4 small hot peppers (any kind) 4 ounces feta cheese A pinch of black pepper 2-3 tbsp olive oil Salt if needed (taste before you add salt) Preparation: Cut the hot peppers in small pieces and melt them with a pestle. […]

Greek recipes: “Fasolada”

Beans with carrots and celery Serves 3-4 Ingredients: 1 pound navy beans (soaked overnight) 2-3 carrots 1 bunch of celery 2-3 tomatoes 3 tbsp tomato paste 1/2 cup of olive oil 1/2 red chili pepper 1 tsp of lemon juice Salt and pepper Preparation: Throw away the water of the soaked beans and put them […]

Mediterranean diet: Did you know that…

according to recent studies under the EPIC research program (Εuropean Prospective Investigation into Cancer and Nutrition), the Mediterranean diet combined with some tea, protects against various cancers. it has been found that the inhabitants of Crete island, whose diet is the best example of the Mediterranean diet, have the lowest rates worldwide of mortality from […]